(Rental)-Team Practice Drills For Mental Toughness



Increase the toughness of your players Use team defense drills, such as transition, rebounding, and team defense drills to get the best out of your team From the first drill to the last, expect excellence from your team Bob Huggins, the legendary coach of basketball, will lead you through a series aggressive drills that you can use in your practices to encourage your players to play better. Huggins starts with tempo-setting drills that get your team moving. Then, Huggins moves on to rebounding drills. He uses the 1-on-1 or 2-on-2 drills to rebound away from the ball. Huggins’ favorite drill, the “4-on-4 plus 1,” forces defenders out of their comfort zones to assist each other in the post and penetration. Huggins ends with a 6-on-4 screening drill that prepares him for an opponent running a motion offense that requires a lot screening. Huggins is a great example of how to expect excellence from your team. 70 minutes. 2009.

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