(Rental)-High Intensity Strength Training Volume 3: Organization And Implementation (bradley)



HIGH INTENSITY STRENGTH TRAINING [VOLUME 3] ORGANIZATION AND IMPLEMENTATION By Michael Bradley Michael Bradley’s profile Michael Bradley is the Men’s Basketball Coach for Strength & Conditioning at the Florida State University. He has more than 20 years worth of top-level coaching experience. He has coaching expertise in college athletics and has trained athletes at several institutions such as the Stanford University, the US Military Academy, and also the University of Miami. What you stand to benefit from this course In this video, you will learn how to implement your own high-intensity training program. You will also be taught the most effective way to track and record progress in order to guarantee accountability and also ensure results. Coach Bradley will also take you through the techniques that will help you to organize routines and plan schedules that will increase your efficiency significantly. This video will also be beneficial to teams by giving them a defined way to set up their own training program and will prove to be a foundation for their success. This video is definitely a must-have. Overview Coach Bradley uses this video to explain the philosophy of strength training that is highly intense (which was covered in the first volume) and the protocols of training (which were covered in the second volume). By so doing, he reveals ideas and the techniques of implementing a strength & conditioning program that will be successful. For any program to be really successful, the two biggest elements that are required are – Supervision Motivation The basketball players at Florida State receive regular coaching on the repetition of every exercise from Coach Bradley. The coach also educates the athletes on the art and science of strength coaching & training. He believes that this is important because it will help them to understand what is expected of them and also help them to apply it later in life. Every strength coach has the role of ensuring that an environment which motivates the players to train is created. One way to know an effective coach is that he must be able to manage the mental aspect in strength training. He must be able to inculcate a positive mindset in his players once they turn up for training in the weight room at all times. In all basketball training sessions at Florida State, all progressions are tracked and recorded and this is a very huge motivation. By closely monitoring every activity, the players are motivated to grow every day. More so it also helps to curb excessive training, thus helping the players to become more adaptable and increase in strength. Also, curbing overtraining helps to avoid the occurrence of injuries and also helps to reduce fatigue. Other Topics discussed in this video Apart from progression, there are other topics that are discussed by Coach Bradley in the video. The coach deeply analyzes other essential topics such as: The Art of Strength Coaching Intensity Equipment Program Organization Effort Technique

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