(Rental)-Competitive Rebounding & Defense Drills



Competitive Rebounding Drills, Defense & Transition Drills Holly Warlick took over for the legendary Pat Summit at the University of Tennessee and went on to win over 70 percent of her games. A former three-time All-American for Coach Summit at Tennessee, Warlick knows tough defense and aggressive rebounding are part of a winning formula. In this video, she shares some of the drills she used to help the Volunteers dominate the boards and spark their transition game. Coach Warlick demonstrates four competitive rebounding drills that are directly responsible for Tennessee’s aggressive rebounding style. The drills are all game-like and simulate a specific aspect of rebounding. One works on sprinting out of help position to box out. Another works on securing a defensive rebound and pushing the ball to half-court in less than two seconds. The War Drill To help gain an understanding of rebounding as a team effort, Warlick demonstrates the War Drill. Players start from a disadvantaged state and ultimately work up to a 5-on-5 competitive situation. The drill focuses on competitive rebounding and flowing into the transition offense in the hopes of obtaining quick scoring opportunities. The Persistence Drill A team of three is forced to continually defend a rotating group of two offenses for a period of 30 seconds before being allowed to exit the drill. Any score or offensive rebound restarts the clock. The drill helps to instill a “never-give-up” mindset. Players learn quickly not to let each other down when on defense. The Transition Drill As it sounds, the Transition Drill is one that helps develop both transition offense and defense. Players compete in a 5-on-5 scrimmage drill that forces players to communicate and react quickly to obtain their goals. This is one of the staple drills that have been part of Tennessee basketball for a long time. Like her predecessor, Coach Warlick used these drills to build toughness in her teams. The drills become part of the daily regimen to winning and they also help to develop the fundamentals and attitude a team needs to excel in playing defense. Rent this competitive rebounding drills DVD today.

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