(Rental)-15 Exercises To Prevent Acl Injuries



15 EXERCISES TO PREVENT ACL INJURIES This program aims to keep your basketball players in the game and by conditioning these basketball players to prevent them from having ACL injuries while playing. Train your players to run, jump, and cut correctly to reduce the risks of them getting injuries. The main aim of the ACL injury prevention program was to greatly reduce the risk of basketball players getting a knee or ankle injury and to keep them playing in the game. The 15 exercises help to support the areas supporting the knees and ankles. The exercise also strengthens areas like the inner thighs, glutes, and hamstrings. The program focuses on footwork, safety, repetitions, slow movement strength training, technique, and form. Prevent ACL Injuries by Reducing Pressure Teach your players to minimize the pressure on their knees by means of cutting mechanics, learning how to land properly after jumping, and developing healthy stopping. The exercises end with three stretching exercises which ensures that there is flexibility in the lower back region, quadriceps, and hamstring so that there can be proper movement in the knees and ankles of basketball players. As a coach, you shouldn’t wait till a player is injured before taking steps to treat the player. These exercises help train basketball players so that the frequency of ACL injuries can be greatly minimized. These exercises will no doubt keep your players strong all season. Rent this prevent ACL injuries DVD today.

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