Creating Adaptations With Limited Resources



This course will give every coach the foundation principles of strength & conditioning for baseball players, on top of how to effectively train when equipment and resources on scarce. Ryan’s presentation at the 2020 Virtual Baseball Coaches Summit will teach you: What Physical Qualities Contribute To Athletic Performance (MUST KNOW) Work Capacity & Workloads Preparation & Conditioning and much more… The science behind performance training can be a bit overwhelming for many but Ryan does a great job of clearly defining the most important factors and how they apply to you as a coach. Stay tuned at the end for an open question and answer session.1 Introduction 7:01 2 Physical Qualities That Impact Sports 3:47 3 Defining Strength 9:17 4 What Is The Neuromuscular System? 3:32 5 How Would We Train The Nervous System? 4:26 6 Defining Power & Speed Free 5:40 7 Practical Application 4:48 8 Conditioning 2:55 9 Understanding Workloads 4:46 10 Key Takeaways 3:19 11 Closing Q/A 2:58Born and raised in�Central Florida.�DeLand is � and always will be ��home. Educated at the�University of Florida�in�Applied Physiology and Kinesiology Current�Arizona Performance Coordinator�for the�Cleveland Indians, where rehabilitation and development make up�the majority of my job description. Former Director of Strength & Conditioning for�my alma mater,�DeLand High School Former�Los Angeles Dodgers�and�New York Mets�Minor League Strength & Conditioning Coach Former�Division-I�Strength & Conditioning Intern, Paid Assistant-Intern (2012-2013) 7+ years�(and counting) coaching/training�high school baseball�(5yrs ��DeLand High School, 2yrs ��Lake Howell High School)

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