Youth Dribbling Program



TRAIN the RIGHT WAY FROM the START. YOUR CHILD WILL BE THE BEST DRIBBLER ON THE TEAM!   What dribbling drills should your child do? How long should they do them? How often? The Youth Basketball Dribbling Pack answers all of these questions for you and will have your child on the way to becoming the best dribbler on the team and in your town! Receive one-on-one training from Professional Basketball Trainer Jason Otter. The Beginner DVD features 3 real-time workouts that your child can do right along with Jason and his student. The package also includes a pair of Dribble Goggles to keep your child from watching the basketball while they dribble. These are perfect to use while they do the video workout. The Naypalm dribbling aid will teach your child to properly use their finger pads when dribbling and not use their palm. Young basketball players will learn to dribble the correct way with both hands by following the 3 workouts. Your child will soon be blowing by everyone on the court with Jason Otter’s proven training methods. The Youth Dribbling Training Pack includes:   Handle the Rock Beginner Dribbling DVD 3 Real Time Workouts Evalution Sheets to test dribbling skill   Dribble Goggles (1 Pair) One size fits all   Naypalm Dribbling Aids 1 for each hand 1 size fits all    

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