(Rental)-Drills For Building A Man–to–man Defensive



More than 15 drills to strengthen your defense team You can practice the scenarios you’ll see in games. You will learn specific drills to guard specific offensive sets, including the Flex. Kevin Boyle explains the basics of his man-to-man defense, using more than 15 individual and group basketball drills. These drills include defense drills for man-to-man, full court pressure drills and drills for four- and five-man. Boyle includes drills like the lane to lane slide, defense in bounds plays and pass recovery. Shell drills include the push the ball to the sideline and the flare screens, rotation, sprint screen, and doubling the post. Coach Boyle stresses the importance of adapting drills to your players’ abilities and skill sets throughout this basketball video. He breaks down each player’s responsibilities for the media and the four- and five man defensive shells. 68 minutes. 2009.

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