(Rental)-15 Drills For Ball Security & Toughness
Toughness and turnovers are two of the most talked about qualities of a winning team. Teams that are not tough and turn the ball over are generally losing more games than they win. Learn ball handling drills from McDonald All American Pat Clatchey to help improve your players, and teams, ability to handle the ball under extreme pressure. This DVD will help foster an aggressive, confident mentality with your players by giving you a handful of drills that promote ball security, passing, pivoting, decision making, balance, and finishing at the rim. Clatchey also details how to design drills to get maximum player involvement and competition which you can then apply to any of your favorite drills. While the focus of the DVD is ball handling drills, Clatchey will also show you drills that improve post-feeds, separation moves, and explosion techniques. Being able to handle pressure is often the key between good and great teams and the ball handling drills shown in this DVD is a great foundation to start building in your program.
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